Caterina Kostoula
1 min readJan 13, 2017


Thank you for sharing the background of the fisherman parable. It is true that we should be careful about romanticizing poverty. It has been proven that more money does make a big difference in happiness up to a certain point. We should all work towards eliminating debilitating poverty.

After making about $75K by household in the US (it differs by state), your happiness stops increasing with more money. Do people reduce their working hours after they surpass that point? Or divert their time to more meaningful work? Not really. Most keep chasing more money at the expense of what can truly make them happier: better relationships and better health.

We are under extreme pressure by employers and society to work harder and harder. We are constantly bombarded by advertising to keep buying stuff. It is important to get exposed to alternative lifestyles. Even if the fisherman story is a piece of fiction, these eight talks about minimalism are not.

I am not inspired by poverty. I wish it did not exist. Minimalism on the other hand…could open doors to a more fulfilling life.



Caterina Kostoula

Executive Coach at Former Google business leader. Fast Company & Thrive Global Contributor.